Ralph Waldo Emerson once posited that self improvement is a never-ending endeavor, and if this is true, people must constantly review their own behavior to make any real progress. In the corporate world, this kind of action takes place during performance evaluations. For many people in the modern-day workforce, reviews seem like daunting and terrifying meetings that only serve to dole out criticisms and suggestions for improvements that have no real measurement. Evaluations have the potential to be invaluable resources in the workplace if they are paired with actual results and feedback that come directly from real interactions.
This is where call recording comes in handy. Employees in call centers have the opportunity to actively monitor and assess their performances with real-life results. Call recording not only ensures customers receive the best possible care, but it also gives call center members the tools to improve upon their own conduct.
Measurable results
In this era of immediate feedback and instantaneous results, it’s important for employees to have quick reviews of their work to solidify good practices and adjust ineffective ones. This is difficult for some enterprises. According to a Deloitte performance management survey, 58 percent of surveyed companies believe that their current method of performance management is not effective for any party involved.
The Harvard Business Review was not surprised by these results and asserted that encouraging employees to better themselves requires making and meeting future goals in combination with assessing past performances. These should be short-term goals that can be monitored easily, rather than a bulky end-of-year review that holds very little substance after months of separation between meetings.

The importance of feedback
Feedback can take on many shapes and forms, but the most important aspects of feedback include its timeliness and specificity. The U.S. Office of Personnel Management reported that employees respond best when supervisors or managers provide constructive criticism sooner to the event in question rather than later down the line. OPM also noted that objective and specific feedback is far more effective than simply saying that the employee is completing the work in a satisfactory manner.
Programs such as Replay Call Recording from Trisys Inc. provides call center managers with the tools that allow employees to take part in their self-improvement achievements with tangible results and evidence of the quality. Replay Call Recording gives customers the best experience possible while simultaneously improving agent performance skills.